How Having "Me Time" Can Reduce Anxiety and Where You Can Go Locally to Unwind

Neglecting to take “me time” for yourself can bring unwanted stress and anxiety to your life and those around you. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, there are currently 6.8 million Americans suffering from generalized anxiety disorders as a result of excessive worry and tension, with women being twice as likely to be affected. 

Whether you’re a parent, significant other, or someone who values the time spent with a loved one, there have been times when we all struggle with the dreaded “me time” dilemma. As a wife, mother, and worker outside the home, I often struggle with my down time and the decision whether to spend time with my family or steal some quite time for myself. Frankly, we all need “me time;” however, the question often becomes how much and how often does having "me time" lead to the guilty feelings we take on as a result. 

In speaking to countless friends and acquaintances, I have come to realize that “me time” takes on a different meaning for many people. For some, it may be as simple as going to a secluded part of the house to get away from the daily hustle and bustle of the family. For others, it may include taking a separate trip with the guys or girls, or perhaps playing ten rounds of golf. In any event, having to deal with the momentary lapse of selfishness can be daunting and defeat the whole purpose of what “me time’ is intended to do: help you regroup to be better for yourself and for those you love.

Here are some places you might want to visit for your next personal break:

1.    Local park or garden – These relaxing locations offer peaceful nature sounds and warm sunshine for those rough days.


2.    A walking or hiking trail – Move those legs and put your power song on as you leave your stress behind.

3.    Shopping center or strip – A little retail therapy never hurt anyone. Buy a nice outfit that makes you feel good and empowered. Don’t be afraid to get that dress or suit you’ve had your eye on.


4.    Bookstore (recommendation: find a privately-owned shop) – Escape your world and take on a new life. Pick a few books and sit down for a couple hours. Nobody’s world is going to end if you take a break. 


Tip: Have an undecorated area/corner of your home that goes unused? Create a reading nook with a cozy chair and throw blanket. Amazon now offers Kindle Unlimited, a digital reading subscription for new and avid readers. Discover a new hobby, refine your mind, or unveil a fascinating fictional world.


5.    Coffee House (recommendation: find a non-commercial location) - There is something extra special about a local or privately-owned Coffee House. Maybe a personal touch to the décor and sitting areas, or their own coffee blend? Either way, trying skipping your normal Starbucks for a new experience.


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