10 Tips for De-Stressing the College-Bound Senior

If you’re living with a college-bound senior like I once did, the stress of the application and touring process can be overwhelming. Not only is it overwhelming for the parent, but exceedingly so for the student. Mounting pressure regarding GPA’s and ACT/SAT scores can take their toll, even on the most adept student. Give your graduate the gift of de-stressing with the following tips:

1. Deter talking about college all the time, let your child determine the right time.

2.  Assure your child that they have bountiful paths and opportunities available to them regardless of what happens.

3. Don’t force your child to apply to colleges they do not want to attend; attempt to discuss options and choices that both sides can live with.

4. Schedule college tours separately from family vacations—touring colleges can be exhausting and not ideal for relaxation.

5. Allow your child to open their own incoming college mail—this makes the process real to them.

6. Be firm, yet empathetic to your child needing space and down time to relax. All school and no play can equal stress.

7. Try not to make the college application/admissions/financial process the sole responsibility of your child. Remember that although they are maturing young adults, they still need much guidance.

8. Learn to pick and choose your battles or let them go. Small arguments during this period can waste meaningful time and are not beneficial to you or your teen.

9. If there are other children still in the nest, be sure to implement good study habits and the importance of academic rigor early on—don’t wait until the last minute. It could haunt you when you realize how much you might have to pay out of pocket due to lack of merit scholarships.

10.  Lastly, enjoy the moment and cherish the months to come. Senior year is a time for celebration and last-minute bonding.



I sincerely hope you find these tips helpful for you and your teen. From one parent to another, we all just want our children to be happy and successful. This is an important time for them, and they will need your love and support whether or not they ask for it.


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