10 Ways Owning a Pet Can Improve Your Life

I admit to not originally being an avid pet lover, unlike my husband and kids. However, over the years I have softened tremendously to adding a new member to our family. Our first dog was named Sadie, a little 20-pound Shih-Tzu with a true diva attitude, and I have to tell you that in my house the sun used to rise and set on her.

When my kids were younger, they would often ask if they could have a pet, and I would immediately give them 10 reasons why they weren’t ready for the responsibility. The truth is, the idea of another living being taking up space, time, and food seemed overwhelming to me, not to mention picking up the undesired leftovers from a long walk. Needless to say, I gave in and we adopted our daughter Sadie in 2009.

After a few weeks of being new pet owners, I began to notice a significant change in my family. I immediately began to notice more laughter in the house, more family gatherings, and, most importantly, a near-constant delightful smile on my husband’s face.  

Sadie would respond in kind cooing, while giving off a low affectionate growl, and he would roll around on the floor playing for what seemed like hours. It was as if he had rediscovered his youth. His mood was better, his patience improved, he was calmer, and, most of all, he and the kids were happier. I admit that I myself was even in a better mood. She couldn’t have been a more perfect fit for our family.

All that being said, pets can have a huge advantage to bettering your health and adding years to your life. Below are some of the top reasons how pets can contribute to your health:

1. They give a tremendous sense of calm, which can reduce stress and lower blood pressure.

2. Pets can also lessen depression. Knowing you have someone that depends on you for love and support can get you up and moving, even on days when you feel down. This increase in mood decreases cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.

3. According to WebMD, research suggests that those who own pets have lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

4. Unconditional love from your pet can give you a greater sense of well-being.

5. Pets promote walking, leading to a more active lifestyle.

6. Pets can promote socialization with other people, keeping you engaged.

7. Working with pets can assist kids with ADHD by helping them burn off excess energy and learn how to keep to a schedule by caring for a pet

8. Therapeutic dogs have been known to aid individuals in recovery and illness.

9. Some dogs have been trained to detect seizures working with individuals with epilepsy, others have been known to detect drops in blood sugar in diabetic persons.

10. Bottom line: Dogs can enhance your quality of life.

If you’re looking to add a furry friend to your home for companionship, health reasons, or just want to spoil your pet check, out the links below:




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